By Kaoutar Fal, Casablanca

The Moroccan experience in fighting the coronavirus was juged as one of the best by the international society; it was qualified as a proactive and innovative approach. The kingdom has managed quickly how to face a health and economic crisis. A tremendous demonstration responding to the imperatives of reactivity and demonstrate a sens of prevention by setting up a crisis management structures with a meticulous medical watch to follow what was happening in Europe that was already at an advanced stage and to learn from it. The country declared the early state of health emergency from Friday, March 20 at 6 p.m., in order to contain the spread of Covid-19, while the country registered its first positive case on March 2nd.

The government has indeed decided to prescribe chloroquine as an official treatment protocol, a bold decision when several questions arose about the treatment of hydroxychloroquine and its side effects. However, the latter, recommended by the French Professor Didier Raoult who attests to having administered it successfully to several patients infected with Covid-19, is controversial in France, especially within the scientific community.

Anyone leaving their home, under the conditions set by the State of public health emergency to fight against the epidemic of Covid-19, is thus required to wear a bib-type protective mask. The Executive then mobilized the textile ecosystem for the production of „general public“ masks with a daily capacity of 5 million masks, for distribution in local shops. This 100% Moroccan mask is the pride of nationals, as are other initiatives such as the re-establishment of a hydroalcoholic gel production unit and the creation of an artificial respirator also 100% Moroccan

More tha 300 hygienic measures in various fields have been put in place, we cite the case of tram users faced with the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Tram Company implemented from April 15, distributors of hydro alcoholic gel inside its trains. These new measures are intended to protect the health of Tramway users against any possible contamination with the Covid-19 virus. Indeed, disinfecting the hands regularly is defined as a gesture intended to limit the transmission of the virus as much as possible.

Draconian measures and rigorous follow-up, involvement of the agents of authority who circulated in the neighborhoods even in the latest hours to educate citizens, an altruistic medical body, some of whom abandoned their families to be of service to the people, following the strategy and a vision of the king who gave his instructions to the government to proceed with the immediate creation of a special fund dedicated to the management of the coronavirus pandemic. This fund, now endowed with 11.5 billion dirhams, were reserved to cover the costs of upgrading the medical device, in terms of suitable infrastructure and additional means to be acquired, urgently.

From an economic point of view, through this fund, several measures were proposed by the government, in particular in terms of support for sectors affected by the Coronavirus crisis, such as tourism, as well as in terms of job preservation and mitigating the social repercussions of this global crisis.

Today in Morocco, 7,211 cases of contamination have been confirmed as well as 196 deaths linked to Covid-19. The fatality rate in Morocco is therefore 2.9%, that is to say that 2.9% of the people who contracted Covid-19 in Morocco died. These numbers and indicators are clearly revealing a soft power of an african country that we can learn from, the citizens shown a big sense of good citizenship and solidarity with this lockdown that they are facing during the holy month of Ramadan.

Titelbild: Casablanca; Foto: privat