By Manel Mselmi, Brussels
March 6th 2019, a conference was held at the European parliament that turned the spotlight on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the worst the world is facing right now. “The situation is really dark and the economy is on its knees” Fulvio Martusciello, member of the European parliament who opened the debate emphasizing that there are 16 million Yemenites which do not have drinking water, 25% of children do not go to school and two million people have been forced to leave their home. “To pay the highest price of this war”- continues the MEP also supported by his colleague Teresa Jimenez who emphasized on the impact of the war on children and women. It is disconcerting to know that in Yemen every 10 seconds a child dies, not counting the this conflict has completely blocked all types of reforms for fighting the problem of “child brides”.
Incisive was also the speech of the deputy Alberto Cirio who underlined how the EU has played a fundamental role in helping to resolve this crisis since 2015, co-financing specific projects for treatment centers and prevention activities in collaboration with partner organizations. “I also learned with satisfaction – says the MEP from Turin – that my country, Italy, will support the Yemeni civilian population with a contribution of 5 million euros”.
Distinguished guests took part in this round table including the expert on counterterrorism Claude Moniquet, the activist Darya Safai and the professor Frederic Encel who highlighted that there is an Iranian contribution, which prevents aid from reaching a destination and funds terrorist groups. The journalist and human rights activist Manel Msalmi moderated the event.
“We European Parliament, we Europe, have a great responsibility: we are the first guarantees of human rights” – These words were the conclusion of Mr Martusciello’s speech who rightly emphasized the need to find a meeting point between the parties in conflict.

Manel, the time has come that every country in the entire world takes his responsibility and fight for justice so that we can eliminate those dictators who try to take control over their population on the basis of their religion. those dictators are living in wealth and their people in the worst circumstances this is not ok. The question is now how can we as European Union and the rest of the free world helping these people? Is there a kind of control by the UNHRC or other NGO’s when there is no food or any water how can they survive in this area?
Priority n°1 is those people need good food and water and also shelters to live in with their family, I know a company in Sweden who makes pliable shelters where they can live in with their families they are 70 square meters big and there even sun cells in so that they can have light they are well isolated and I thought that they have a contact with the UNHRC. I will make contact with a company calls IKEA one of my friends Kujtim is working there and ask him if they still that paper catalog from 2016 because there I find that company.btw Kujtim is working for IKEA Zaventem. Please let me know if this a good proposal.