By Manel Mselmi, Paris
From March 31st to April 2nd, a huge fair on “Real estate and finance banking” named “Maskan Expo” was held in Paris in order to inform the Tunisian diaspora as well as Europeans about the precious opportunities to acquire housing or buy fields and make a building in Tunisia as well as the financial possibilities to get a credit. Real estate entrepreneurs who came specifically from Tunis to show their projects and offers are determined to encourage Tunisian diaspora to invest in their homeland. Architects, bank officers, lawyers, graphic designers and entrepreneurs are really concerned about explaining to the future clients the intresting opportunities that are waiting for them.
The Exposition was inaugurated by the minister of equipment and dwelling together with the Ambassador of Tunisia to France and the general consul. Behind this initiative, an active and inspiring woman Mrs Amna Limame, the general director of “Msakan Expo” together with Mr Sadok Chiboub, the developer of the project. Mrs Limane dreams of seeing every Tunisian living outside his or her homeland acquiring a house or a land in his native land. She is devoted to entrepreunership and she has already been successful in organising expositions especially last year in Dubai.
Graduated from IHEC Carthage in Tunis with an MA degree in Marketing, she decided to start her own business and created her own communication agency. She worked with the Gulf market on dates and olive oil exportation and became a resident in Dubai. She developed there the “Maskan Expo” concept and decided to create the same in Europe starting by Paris and later in Berlin. As far as Mr Chiboub is concerned, this specialist in real estate and tourism management is the general director of a travel agency “Oosafer” and the co-organiser of the Exposotion, thinks that Tunisian diaspora will be advantageous in terms of housing and that investing in real estate is beneficial to the Tunisian economy considering the devaluation of the Tunisian currency in comparison to the European one.
An approximative number of 15.000 visitors are targeted. It is a solidarity act on the part of Tunisians living in Europe and elsewhere to boost the economy and help the country to overcome the difficult economic and financial situation that the country went through since the Arab Spring and the terrorist attacks which had a bad effect on the tourism industry.
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