Hundreds of lawyers worldwide (from 22 countries) have sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey about the restriction of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan’s right of access to his lawyers in the prison on İmralı Island in Turkey.
The situation in İmralı prison has been described by lawyers worldwide as a special and discriminatory form of isolation. Mr. Öcalan is seen worldwide as the Kurdish Nelson Mandela in Robben Island prison.
Hundreds of lawyers made their demand clear and submitted their application to visit Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and the other prisoners held in İmralı within the scope of domestic law of Turkey.
We would like to welcome you to our press conference where we will explain our application to Turkey and our reasons behind this application.
Speakers :
- Georges Henri BEAUTHİER, Bar Association of Paris and Brussels
- Hélène DEBATY, President of Syndicat des Avocats pour la Démocratie : le SAD, European Democratic Lawyers, (AED)
- Selma BENKHELİFA, Progress Lawyers Network-Brussels
- Thomas Schmidt, Co-Secretary General of European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights (ELDH)
For more information: please contact to: Thomas Schmidt,